Compression of eye, one day after stereotactic orbital decompression – Hold for 10 seconds and repeat every hour
Steroid Injection – Day 1 after stereotactic orbital decompression. This is relatively pain free
Severe Graves disease causing disfigurement. The second image is 12 months after stereotactic keyhole orbital decompression on both sides
Bulging of one eye as viewed from the top is corrected to a normal appearance as viewed from the side via a stereotactic keyhole orbital decompression
Severe bulging eyes from Graves eye disease corrected by stereotactic keyhole orbital decompression
Stereotactic Surgery. A probe touching the bone deep in the eye socket is tracked with stereotactic navigation to guide precision orbital decompression surgery
Young lady with Graves eye disease causing one eye to bulge. The disfigurement led to her being removed as a bridesmaid. The second image is after stereotactic keyhole orbital decompression surgery to repair disfigurement
Bulging pushes the lower eyelid down which distresses the patient. It creates an aged as well as bulging appearance. The second image is after stereotactic keyhole orbital decompression surgery
Bulge on one side from Graves eye disease, corrected after stereotactic keyhole orbital decompression